
by Aroha Ltd



WHY VOOZ?The value of the worldwide polling industry market is expected to exceed $7.4billion within the next 12 months. The market is dominated by globalinvestment funds, large corporations, secretive lobbying organizations andwealthy individualsThis powerful industry influences almost every decision you make in your dailylife: your food and drink, health and wellness, your entertainment and sport, yourfads and fashion and of course-who governs you!Opinion Poll funders have exercised enormous power for decades and there isnothing transparent or trustworthy about their highly profitable industry. Inreality this is an industry of smoke and mirrors and the last thing they’reactually interested in is your honest opinion. After all you may not provide theanswer, they want!Add to this scenario the seismic shift in tolerance towards divergent views andis it any wonder millions of people don’t feel their opinions count or worse still,they’re now too fearful to express their opinions in case of the inevitable hatefilled backlash.VOOZ PROTECTS AND PROMOTES YOUR OPINION TO THE WORLDTHE VOOZ SOLUTIONThe ProblemSociety is now too angry, too fractured, and too complex.The SolutionSimply start with a binary approach to every major issue.Then, if you wish debate the topic, exchange opinions, hopefully reachconsensus and initiate change but always start with Yes or No!Every life question can be VOOZED - Yes or No.We believe your opinions matter. We encourage you to express your VOOZ.